In this booklet, you will be walked through the five key points that form your strategic plan. The booklet is downloadable version (PDF) entitled “One Year Strategic Road Map” (16 pages) whose aim will be to aid you begin piecing together what will become the above named document.
What you get in this booklet
a) One Year Strategic Road Map (booklet). Essentially, this is what we’re going to answer as we go through this training and the worksheet.
- What do I/we value or believe in? (Values)
- Why do I/we exist? (Mission)
- What do I/we strive to become? (Vision)
- What must I/we achieve to be successful? (Goals)
- How will I/we get there? (Objectives)
Lessons Include
- Creating your Core Values
- Crafting Your Mission Statement
- Casting Your Vision Statement
- Setting Your Goals
- Defining Your Objectives
- Your Step by Step Action Plan
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