Have you ever found yourself wondering whether you are on the right path and are walking in your space and calling, or you missed a turn somewhere and found yourself somewhere else? Do you wonder why you even exist? Have you found yourself wishing you lived another life elsewhere instead? Even more critical, do you seriously wonder whether it’s even possible to get back to your true calling?

In order to even be fair, let me drop you these 7 Life Questions as I call them. The less of these you can answer, the more you may be in a life crisis and may be living far below your true self. You may actually be living what I came to learn was a “fake life”.

Simply defined, a “fake life” is one where your entire purpose, service and work is defined by your environment or society by those around you. This could be a combo of your spouse, parents, seniors, relatives, friends and even counselors, guides and authorities. You live this for so long that you become a pretty good “actor”. There is another word for an actor – it’s a hypocrite! If ever this occurs, it then means you are not living true to what God put inside of you, but instead living what others define for you.

That is a very sad a dangerous place to be in. Unfortunately, the majority of people are in that place. I too was there at one point in my life until I encountered my valley. It was in my life valley when these 7 Life Altering Questions came up. And honestly, I could not answer them well at all! And that is when I knew I needed clarity of my mission in life – my God Assignment.

Would you like to try answering the questions yourself? If so, then select the first button below. If you already answered them (or tried to), then what are you still waiting for? Why not be part of the class offered to walk you through the process itself?

Who knows what that may lead to?

Click here to get back to the main home page and select one of the two options there (The Questions or The Course) and lets make this happen now, shall we? 😉





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